General Information
Pae Muang Pee Forest Park is located in Mae Lai District, Num Chum District and Tung Hong Disctrict, Muang Ampur, Prae Province. It is a forest park of 500 rais and was gazetted by Royal Forest Department on 8 March 1981.
Forests occur on the wavy plain in Pae Muang Pee Forest Park. Outer area is slightly sloped. Altitudes in the area range from 200-210
Flora and Fauna
The main vegetation is Dry Dipterocarp forest. Tree species found here include Dipterocarpus obtusifolius, Meliosma pinnata, Bombax anceps, Croton argyratus, Combretum spp. and Gigantochloa albociliata. The tree species that have been planted to help regenerating forest are Acacia auriculaeformis, Cassia javanica and Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Wildlife found here are snakes, lizards, butterfly lizard, hare and various bird
Tourist Attractions
Prae Muang Pee is a hill slope that higher than other area. It was originated by natural erosion by water current. Some area have been washed away and some remain, resulting in various form of cliffs and pillars. Pae Muang Pee is an unique natural beauty of its
Contact Address
Phae Mueang Phi Forest Park
Num Chum Sub-district, Amphur Muang Phrae Phrae Thailand 54000
Tel. 0 5451 1162 140
How to go?
By Car
From Prae Province, take a hi-way no. 101 Prae-Nan around 7 kms from Prae city. Turn right to Pae Muang Pee Forest Park and follow sealed road for 3 kms. Without your own transportation, you can hire a minibus, van or motocycle from the bus terminal in Prae City. The distance altogether is about 10 kms.