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www.dooasia.com > 供弄и棹骳孚竻 >日狶夫ш錘銦駍挬供僩疰畛/Bats at Wat Chantharam 

日狶夫ш錘銦駍挬供僩疰畛/ Bats at Wat Chantharam


日狶夫ш錘銦駍挬供僩疰畛 粹珗芷狶 佹湆 5 .滮▽媟證 .熅詳鼒竻 .侳狶溴

慬髓岔Щ來嘎劂譜肫 ̄日狶夫ヮ蚢Л賸疿疻 鉆郯竻例◇譎鉲傑挬供僩疰畛慬閫塹歖萇鍵輕橶繕暽靾歖G藉◢ 庠閫鉖轄迮駖÷轔壅鋡觴職揤誇懥湧苂骳壯骳織畟 照蒶暽挹и馱橏坐痀鉖髓珗淶銧歖戰餑來嘎嗶鎔狶菔侲塽駖 抌Л蒶剛煬颲箋餌劂譜鈶滔畟憾兢崸日狶夫ш錘銦 腋芫邦飽寥苂侜畟侜畟疚埭煬頨埳鏡芧隞轄 鉧郯豖珝涷苂湆迗捔慞倓眝皊疰蓍÷繫蚚妒桴菔俔 譜覆鉲籤腴飽籤序揤日狶夫ヮ冓÷倰蹙魰萇蟋暽靾 湧Ъ纓籤呯苂刲Л桎馱谹瑁珝狶煬魰餌嫩矷竊﹎喬鄔懊 靾魰擅禮嶀頝骳嫣湧遉橏轄趙埏捄堋藤褶蚢媞蚚塈и毯瑁珗桄 覲抉佹眓寣銵疰遄蝥檠黎й褶癟來鉖髓珗淶鞁毈湧椎 弅轄繹遉橏鉰涷臏祀疑藕牷疿煬銴襖漱臢蟈橶翻晪日狶夫ы湧煬頩涷煥﹊揤


膋歖抎僩狶弅邇噪婖溴-慲ロ刳酵釓珜 1 √牄鉡腕 例★桄嫘呯愬‵橏邈銓捸 3 √牄鉡腕



鉆鉊﹤鉊鉊鉊徇鉆鉊 | 鉊鉊嫩鉊冢鉊鉊菽腺 鉊鉆鉊冢鉆鉊鉊菽鉊R葷鉆鉊鉊

鉆鉊冢鉊啤鉊凌 鉊鉆鉊冢鉊毯鉊鉊丞葡鉊 404
鉊鉊冢葉鉊鉊晤腺, 鉆鉊鉆鉊徇鉆鉊耜鉊菽鉊鉊詮鉊鉊喪艇鉊晤鉊﹤葉鉊鉊徇葡鉊鉊晤鉊鉆鉊﹤鉊﹤葭鉊冢腺鉊嫩
鉊鉊詮鉊芹葡鉊﹤葡鉊鉊鉆鉊鉊鉊菽 鉊徇鉆鉊耜鉊鉊


侳狶溴/Information of ANGTHONG

  Bats at Wat Chantharam 日狶夫ш錘銦駍挬供僩疰畛
Wat Chantharam is an old temple, located at Ban Chang, Mu 5, Tambon Khokphutsa, 4 kilometers to the west
of Pho Thong District Office, accessed by Pho Thong Sawaengha Road, 1 kilometer along the road, then turning
left at the intersection. The temple is 3 kilometers from the intersection. Inside the precinct of this temple is
crowded with trees which have become habitats for numerous basted birds for centuries. Those bats fly out to
find food at night whereas during the daytime, they hang themselves with heads down along the tree branches
looking black altogether from the far distance. Visitors can enjoy watching them every season.

鄋埻廜邿荂疰鉥埳煉 煬颲恁 鏑珗迗刳 妎珗煬頝駖抉煬餔 匹畛酵郱挹膍
鉆鉊﹤鉊鉊鉊徇鉆鉊 | 鉊鉊嫩鉊冢鉊鉊菽腺 鉊鉆鉊冢鉆鉊鉊菽鉊R葷鉆鉊鉊
鉆鉊冢鉊啤鉊凌 鉊鉆鉊冢鉊毯鉊鉊丞葡鉊 404
鉊鉊冢葉鉊鉊晤腺, 鉆鉊鉆鉊徇鉆鉊耜鉊菽鉊鉊詮鉊鉊喪艇鉊晤鉊﹤葉鉊鉊徇葡鉊鉊晤鉊鉆鉊﹤鉊﹤葭鉊冢腺鉊嫩
鉊鉊詮鉊芹葡鉊﹤葡鉊鉊鉆鉊鉊鉊菽 鉊徇鉆鉊耜鉊鉊


鄋埻廜邿荂疰鉥埳煉 煬颲恁 鏑珗迗刳 妎珗煬頝駖抉煬餔 匹畛酵郱挹膍

臥駖 / Email




Wat Oi


Wat Muang


Wat Luang






Wat Yang



廒僩涷供弄и棹骳孚竻/map of ANGTHONG

疑埩挶 Ⅰ抌 來× 轅疑唌疰繹漺薹疰酵虼虓狶譜侞骳均贈抉溝-侳狶溴 煤擏繹蜆藪棍慞陏飩識睿牷疿 煥﹊揤 弅轄繹H暽繹銧曋涷妎珗掅嘟閫弅轉佴谹 飪飽貤儒鉧秉 2 庋熄畛證藍冓邯織鉧婰醜菠鎂溼. 0 2537 8055, 0 2936 2852-66, 0 2936 3603 鉲蝥銕蛙 www.transport.co.th 

例﹛贈抉溝 弅轄繹鉥埳煉找湧侜畟鉌暽煉 尤
鉌暽煉孚涷 1 膋歖抎僩狶弅職侜熆詳 煉弄龔弄轄轉籠 32 例﹛贈抉溝 愬﹤a砫抎僩狶弅轉侲肪 潸珗邲鈶芮狶鉼邴-壅邿勻譏苂婺觴-邲鈶芮狶鉼刲-侳狶溴 蠅謄陔郱狶 105 √牄鉡腕
鉌暽煉孚涷 2 膋歖抎僩狶萃氬佹 a畛庈懊嗾譜閩頩遄體 - 腋婰妒揤 遉橏鉌暽煉弄龔扭潸僑埳佹畟鉣 340 潸珗供弄и晶僩種譏-遠媮詫塹-壅邿勻譏苂婺觴-忐壅籀種譏-侳狶溴 蠅謄陔郱狶酵釓珜 150 √牄鉡腕
鉌暽煉孚涷 3 膋歖抎僩狶 ̄塈鈮懍-遠媮詫塹 潸珗閡﹤ ̄蝝 遉橏煉弄龔扭潸僑埳佹畟鉣 3111 潸珗邲鈶芮狶銩-邲鈶侲妏-壅邿勻譏苂婺觴 例★桄嫘芷鉌暽煉弄轄轉籠 3263 慞迮駖遉橏煉弄龔弄轄轉籠 309 遉橏邲鈶芼骳煻-侳狶溴 蠅謄陔郱狶 140 √牄鉡腕
佸谹膋曋狶戰鉎奼奡藤捅觴 (煉妥駍嘟畟碳宏倰埳-閡﹤ ̄蝝) 庋熄畛鉧婰醜菠鍵湧煬 漞. 1543

侳狶溴/Information of ANGTHONG


General Information

Ang Thong is a small province on the bank of the Chao Phraya River. The former settlement is at Wiset Chai Chan on the bank of the Noi River. It was an essential frontier outpost of Ayutthaya when fighting with the Burmese. The majority of the people was later moved to a new site on the left bank of the Chao Phraya River during the Thon Buri period.

Ang Thong is located 108 kilometres north of Bangkok. It occupies an area of 968 square kilometres and is administratively divided into seven districts (Amphoes): Mueang Ang Thong, Chaiyo, Pa Mok, Pho Thong, Sawaeng Ha, Wiset Chai Chan and Samko.

How to get there
All provinces and major districts in the Central Region are linked by highways while the distant districts and villages can be accessible by rural roads.

Bus transportation services are available at two main stations in Bangkok. From the bus terminal on Kamphaeng Phet II Road (Tel. 0 2936 0649,0 2936 1972), there are both air-conditioned and non air-conditioned buses leaving for Chai Nat, Nakhon Nayok, Prachin Buri, Lop Buri, Saraburi, Sing Buri, Suphan Buri, Ang Thong, Ayutthaya, Bang Pa-in, Bang Sai, Aranyaprathet, Chachoengsao, and Samut Songkhram. The Southern Bus Terminal (Tel. 0 2435-1199, 0 2434 5557-8) on Boromarajajonani Road operates daily buses to Kanchanaburi, Cha-am, Damnoen Saduak, Phetchaburi, Ratchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Bang Saphan, Nakhon Pathom, Suphan Buri, Samphran, Samut Songkhram, and Samut Sakhon.

On arrival in each city, the easiest way to travel around is by local transport like tricycle (called Sam Lo by Thais) or motor tricycle. Song Thaeo or a van with two rows of benches at the back serves as transport for travelling to the outside of the town. However, a vehicle should be rented from Bangkok or a major tourist town in case travellers need more convenience and would like to explore more attractions in the rural areas.

The Bangkok Railway Station (Hua Lamphong) is the major terminal where daily trains leave for Chachoengsao, Bang Pa-in, Ayutthaya, Saraburi, Lop Buri, Nakhon Pathom, Suphan Buri, Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi, Hua Hin, and Prachuap Khiri Khan. To get to Nakhon Pathom and Kanchanaburi, one can take a train at the Thon Buri or Bangkok Noi Railway Station. Samut Sakhon and Samut Songkhram can be also reached by train from the Wongwian Yai Station. Schedules can be obtained at the Information Unit, Tel. 0 2223 7010, 0 2223 7020.

Travelling by boat is quite popular in the riverside cities or towns including Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Ayutthaya, Samut Songkhram, Nakhon Pathom, and Kanchanaburi. In those provinces, river excursions are operated by local tour operators. Boats for rent are also available at major piers. The price should be established before beginning the trip.

Between Bangkok and Nonthaburi, regular boats run along the Chao Phraya River with frequent stops to pick up and drop their passengers. The boats are usually crowded during the rush hours of a working day.

Boat Races
Boat Races The major annual regatta takes place in front of Wat Chaiyo Worawihan on the Chao Phraya River in October together with the Luang Pho To Worship Festival.

During October, boat races are also held at other riverside temples including Wat Pa Mok by the Chao Phraya River and Wat Pho Kriap by the Noi River in Amphoe Pho Thong. Famous boats from all over the country join the races.

General Information

Ang Thong is a small province on the bank of the Chao Phraya River. The former settlement is at Wiset Chai Chan on the bank of the Noi River. It was an essential frontier outpost of Ayutthaya when fighting with the Burmese. The majority of the people was later moved to a new site on the left bank of the Chao Phraya River during the Thon Buri period.

Ang Thong is located 108 kilometres north of Bangkok. It occupies an area of 968 square kilometres and is administratively divided into seven districts (Amphoes): Mueang Ang Thong, Chaiyo, Pa Mok, Pho Thong, Sawaeng Ha, Wiset Chai Chan and Samko.

How to get there
All provinces and major districts in the Central Region are linked by highways while the distant districts and villages can be accessible by rural roads.

Bus transportation services are available at two main stations in Bangkok. From the bus terminal on Kamphaeng Phet II Road (Tel. 0 2936 0649,0 2936 1972), there are both air-conditioned and non air-conditioned buses leaving for Chai Nat, Nakhon Nayok, Prachin Buri, Lop Buri, Saraburi, Sing Buri, Suphan Buri, Ang Thong, Ayutthaya, Bang Pa-in, Bang Sai, Aranyaprathet, Chachoengsao, and Samut Songkhram. The Southern Bus Terminal (Tel. 0 2435-1199, 0 2434 5557-8) on Boromarajajonani Road operates daily buses to Kanchanaburi, Cha-am, Damnoen Saduak, Phetchaburi, Ratchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Bang Saphan, Nakhon Pathom, Suphan Buri, Samphran, Samut Songkhram, and Samut Sakhon.

On arrival in each city, the easiest way to travel around is by local transport like tricycle (called Sam Lo by Thais) or motor tricycle. Song Thaeo or a van with two rows of benches at the back serves as transport for travelling to the outside of the town. However, a vehicle should be rented from Bangkok or a major tourist town in case travellers need more convenience and would like to explore more attractions in the rural areas.

The Bangkok Railway Station (Hua Lamphong) is the major terminal where daily trains leave for Chachoengsao, Bang Pa-in, Ayutthaya, Saraburi, Lop Buri, Nakhon Pathom, Suphan Buri, Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi, Hua Hin, and Prachuap Khiri Khan. To get to Nakhon Pathom and Kanchanaburi, one can take a train at the Thon Buri or Bangkok Noi Railway Station. Samut Sakhon and Samut Songkhram can be also reached by train from the Wongwian Yai Station. Schedules can be obtained at the Information Unit, Tel. 0 2223 7010, 0 2223 7020.

Travelling by boat is quite popular in the riverside cities or towns including Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Ayutthaya, Samut Songkhram, Nakhon Pathom, and Kanchanaburi. In those provinces, river excursions are operated by local tour operators. Boats for rent are also available at major piers. The price should be established before beginning the trip.

Between Bangkok and Nonthaburi, regular boats run along the Chao Phraya River with frequent stops to pick up and drop their passengers. The boats are usually crowded during the rush hours of a working day.

Boat Races
Boat Races The major annual regatta takes place in front of Wat Chaiyo Worawihan on the Chao Phraya River in October together with the Luang Pho To Worship Festival.

During October, boat races are also held at other riverside temples including Wat Pa Mok by the Chao Phraya River and Wat Pho Kriap by the Noi River in Amphoe Pho Thong. Famous boats from all over the country join the races.

囮Л籥〨埸詳 © 2550 棻閟鄎梒    www.dooasia.com

鉲蝥瑁竻鈮涷藉 侍孚涷憾 侍孝栝ч勻郯竻碣嗶芧靻寢 a芩棸瑁竻鈮涷藉 銩 籤 ×謙椌 鉲梒晶畛 廒僩涷 ÷蹴椒僩狶 煬颲恁 鏑珗迗刳 侍孚涷憾﹥瓚熁扭藪迋嫣饕儤骳嗶埳鉞芤憵寧絲桎щ禳 勿堇м椎獌 銩 籤 鉲梒晶畛 ×謙椌 妎珗煬頝駖抉煬餔ъ劂譜鈮銩 籤 鉲梒晶畛 卄卄漱堻a芩棸例 ÷繩駖抉煬餔ш咍宏譜鈮銩 ÷繩駖抉煬餔Э痀 ÷繩駖抉煬餔ョ捘撼肫 ÷繩駖抉煬餔чм織境 謄插銩  ̄覬骳靾
dooasia(at)gmail.com 庍限眝壽倡窖竻勻淀芛梲友謠芧抇廕 慲揮煬餑-靾魬芷鉧郯矷疰日-靾韐挬廙襲 3.0 酵冓溜銩. 庍限眝壽倡窖竻勻淀芛梲友謠芧抇